El papel del mercado en el control de la producción en equipoel caso de las empresas pesqueras

  1. Arruñada, Benito
  2. López Fernández, María Begoña
  3. González, Manuel
Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa

ISSN: 1138-5758

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 5

Pages: 5-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa

Sustainable development goals


Fishing firms all over the world and through history use an unusual compensation structure, known an "sharing system". Under this system teams of workers share the costs and revenues of their boats. The paper argues that this pattern is efficient because team members compete intensely to enter the most productive teams. In the case of fishing ing the net output of a team are relatively low. The analysis shows the importance pf these factors for designing team are relatively low. The analysis shows the importance of these factors for designing team incentives within firms