Análisis de las estrategias de fabricación como factor explicativo de la competitividad de la gran empresa industrial española

  1. Vázquez Ordás, Camilo José
  2. Fernández Sánchez, Esteban
  3. Avella Camarero, Lucía
Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa

ISSN: 1138-5758

Year of publication: 1999

Issue: 4

Pages: 235-258

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa


This work is focused on the analysis of the growing importance of manufacturing strategies in business performance or success. it is considered that the priority emphasis in certain manufacturing objectives and policies and the internal coherence between the objectives and policies stressed can he the basis for obtaining sustainable or lasting advantages over competitors, thus originating superior business performance. The aim of this work is to analyse whether there exists or not a correlation between manufacturing strategies and the business performance of a sample of large industrial companies in Spain. The database used in this study is made up of information from a mail survey aimed at the industrial companies set up in Spain which in 1994 (reference date of this research) employed over 200 workers; similarly, it includes economic-financial data published in Spain. The results obtained show that the key to the business performance of the companies analysed does not lie in their manufacturing strategies