Metodología para el diseño e implantación de un sistema de información de gestión para PYMEs
- Machado Cabezas, Ángel 1
- García Suárez, José Luis 1
- Arias Álvarez, Ana María 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0210-2412
Year of publication: 1999
Issue: 102
Pages: 1101-1144
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad
The design of an information system for any type ot organization must enable its users to operate in an effective adn efficient way. Effectiveness means connecting the company with its environment and being the main factor responsible for its sucess in the future. Efficiency means the appropìate development of the internal operations perfomance, through and adequate use and combination of the available resources. The present work studies how these factors can be applied to small and medium-sized companies, using the study made with an specific group of companies, which makes ir possible to illustrate the path to follow. With this in mind, is has been decided to implement the information system using a toll which can suceed in passing the "cost-benefit" test in this type of organization.
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