Los compositores de Mendoza (Argentina) y la resignificación del patrimonio musical español

  1. Mirta Marcela GONZÁLEZ BARROSO
Musicología en el siglo XXI: nuevos retos, nuevos enfoques
  1. Begoña Lolo (coord.)
  2. Adela Presas (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Musicología

ISBN: 978-84-86878-45-0

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 1017-1032

Congress: Sociedad Española de Musicología. Congreso (9. 2016. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


As in other Latin American cities, the composers who developed their activity in the city of Mendoza (Argentina) in the second half of the twentieth century were not alien to the strong legacy of Spanish poetry and music. The configuration of a fragment of the sound map of the city linked to the Hispanic heritage constitutes a channel of expression that can’t be separated from the socio-cultural fabric that the Spanish ancestry left in this city as in many others. The study of the works of composers such as Eduardo Grau or Susana Antón, among others, that present a clear relation with the peninsular legacy allows to configure, on the one hand, the ways of approaching the patrimony and the characteristics in its sonorous resignification and, on the other hand , To appreciate how this creative action is inserted in a cultural network where different associations, official institutions and research groups have a reference point in the Hispanic world. Two lines of analysis will be used in this study. One, related to intertextuality; to study the points of contact between the works analyzed and the pre-existent musical heritage. Another, which will deal with the construction of sound imagery from family heirlooms or cultural environments. Thus, it will be possible to approach the way in which part of the Spanish heritage becomes authenticator or authenticated in the processes of musical creation.