Nutrición Enteral en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos

  1. Alba Maestro González
  2. Cristina del Río Arenas
  3. Gemma Nevado Vega
IX Jornadas de profesorado de centros universitarios de enfermería: la Investigación en enfermería
  1. Isabel del Puerto Fernández (dir. congr.)
  2. Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Conferencia Nacional de Decanos/as de Enfermería. CNDE

ISBN: 978-84-608-1289-0

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 302-311

Congress: Jornadas de profesorado de Centros Universitarios de Enfermería (9. 2015. Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Enteral Nutrition (EN) attemps to maintain and improve organic functioning, the evolution, the time spent in the hospital and to prevent the caloric-protein desnutrition and its negative effects, preserving tissues and diminishing endogenous nutrient stores. It is ussually used in critical care units because of being an effective method and a certain way to nourish critical patients. Methods: Review describing the main EN instructions according to the underlying pathology. Content: Most frequent pathologies: Cardiac pathology: Prevails cardiac cachexia secondary to surgery complications. Neurological pathology: Present an intense catabolism, it requires early nutritional support beginning. Septicemia: early use of EN permits to prevent secondary complications like infections or multiorganic fail. Multiple enjuries: Serious damages produce a large metabolic stress, which implies a serious malnutrition risk. They present hypermetabolism and hyercatabolism so it is very important in the treatment. Respiratory pathology: Nutritional support might be normocaloric or discreetly hypocaloric. Micronutrients must be considered by the effects of them in ventilatory function. Conclusions: The EN election could influence in a positive way in patients evolution. We must keep in mind that this election can reduce the infection´s incidence, decrease critical care units staying and a less mortality among other things.