Gestión de playas y dunas en las costas de Asturias y Cantabria (NW España)

  1. Germán Flor Rodríguez 1
  3. Flor Blanco, Germán 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


La gestión integrada de playas y dunas: experiencias en Lationoamérica y Europa
  1. Rodríguez-Perea, Antonio (coord.)
  2. Pons Buades, Guillem Xavier (coord.)
  3. Roig Munar, Francesc Xavier (coord.)
  4. Martin Prieto, José Ángel (coord.)
  5. Mir Gual, Miquel (coord.)
  6. Cabrera, J. Alfredo (coord.)

Éditorial: Societat d'Història Natural de Balears

ISBN: 978-84-616-2240-5

Année de publication: 2013

Pages: 335-348

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


Beaches and dune fields of the Asturias and Cantabria (Cantabrian coast) which were directly and indirectly anthropized detailing some regeneration solutions are described in this paper. Only few beaches were affected, with some examples of urban beaches (San Lorenzo and Laredo); other beaches were regenerated with alocthonuos sandy sediments to the original sands and the Salinas-El Espartal beach where sedimentologic and mineralogically characteristics were maintained; finally, few new beaches were created. Dune fields were extensive and differently transformed, even distroyed. Only some of them were regenerated, consisting in the morphologic dune reconstruction, revegetation of specific plants, isolated enclosures, and woody observatory and roads: Salinas-El Espartal, Cuerna, Liencres, Somo, etc