Words as WeaponsBritish Reception of a Forged Letter Attributed to Ferdinand VII

  1. Laspra Rodríguez, Alicia
Mundus vult decipi: estudios interdisciplinares sobre falsificación textual y literaria
  1. Martínez García, Javier (coord.)

Editorial: Ediciones Clásicas

ISBN: 84-7882-738-2

Any de publicació: 2012

Pàgines: 197-212

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


A major emergence of periodical press in most cities and many towns throughout Spain was among the most striking consequences of the national uprising against Napoleon in 1808. Local authorities or juntas, having assumed political power in the provinces after the Bourbons had left the country, launched some 68 new gazettes in the second half of 1808 alone. These periodicals provided rebel authorities with a novel instrument for propaganda which was used effectively to encourage popular involvement in the war effort. This paper traces the history of a forged letter, attributed to Ferdinand VII, from its publication in the Gazeta de Oviedo, in June 1808. Special attention is paid to its impact on the writings of some British authors as well as on reviews published in popular magazines of the time.