English for occupational therapy

  1. Raquel Serrano González coord.
  2. Laura Martínez García
  3. Carlos Menéndez Otero

Publisher: Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo ; Universidad de Oviedo

ISBN: 978-84-17445-01-0

Year of publication: 2018

Type: Book


This resourcebook was created as a response to the growing interest in the field of English for Specific Purposes and to fill the void observed in the field of Arts and Humanities. This coursebook is intended for History of Art students and professionals with an interest in both the subject and the English language; the materials included range from beginner (A2) to upper intermediate (B2), although a pre-intermediate (B1) level would be the most appropriate for the contents presented. Although this resour-cebook has been created as a textbook for the course "Inglés para Fines Específicos de la Historia del Arte" at the University of Oviedo, it can also be used as a standalone piece, since it not only includes clear grammar explanations, but audiofiles for each chapter, as well as keys to all the tasks and exercises and a general glossary including all the technical terms in the lessons plus a few more essential terms. The book is organized into 4 thematic chapters devoted to one different medium and each of these chapters is subdivided into four different subsections focusing on one English-language skill (reading and listening comprehension, writing and grammar) and a fifth section which includes a glossary (English-Spanish) of technical terms.