The PHEMU97 catalogue of observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter

  1. Arlot, J.-E.
  2. Thuillot, W.
  3. Ruatti, C.
  4. Akasawa, H.
  5. Baroni, S.
  6. Beisker, W.
  7. Berthier, J.
  8. Blanco, C.
  9. Boonstra, J.
  10. Bourgeois, J.
  11. Bulder, H.
  12. Casas, R.
  13. Castano, J.G.
  14. Colas, F.
  15. Collins, D.
  16. Cuypers, J.
  17. Czech, W.
  18. D'Ambrosio, V.
  19. Denzau, H.
  20. Descamps, P.
  21. Dimitrescu, A.
  22. Dinakarian, N.
  23. Dourneau, G.
  24. Emelyanov, N.
  25. Enriquez, J.M.
  26. Fernandez, J.M.
  27. Fernandez-Barba, D.
  28. Flatres, T.
  29. Foglia, S.
  30. Goncalves, M.
  31. Guhl, K.
  32. Helmer, G.
  33. Hirose, T.
  34. Irsmambetova, T.R.
  35. Krobusek, B.A.
  36. Lecacheux, J.
  37. Le Campion, J.-F.
  38. Lou, M.
  39. Mallama, A.
  40. Marchis, F.
  41. Navarro, M.A.S.
  42. Nelson, P.
  43. Okura, N.
  44. Park, J.
  45. Pauwels, T.
  46. Pluchino, S.
  47. Priban, V.
  48. Rapaport, M.
  49. Sacré, J.-J.
  50. Salvaggio, F.
  51. Sanchez, M.A.
  52. Sanchez-Bajo, F.
  53. Stefanescu, G.
  54. Tanga, P.
  55. Tejfel, V.G.
  56. Trisan, J.L.
  57. Trunkovsky, E.M.
  58. Van Gestel, J.
  59. Vandenbulcke, G.
  60. Vasundhara, R.
  61. Vass, G.
  62. Vingerhoets, P.
  63. Vu, D.T.
  64. Wilds, R.T.
  65. Show all authors +
Astronomy and Astrophysics

ISSN: 1432-0746 0004-6361

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 451

Issue: 2

Pages: 733-737

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20054325 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor