Cultura innovadora y competitividad en las empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimientoel papel mediador de la cultura co-creadora

  1. Santos Vijande, María Leticia
  2. López Sánchez, José Ángel
  3. González Mieres, Celina
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Any de publicació: 2012

Títol de l'exemplar: Las industrias del mar

Número: 386

Pàgines: 159-172

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Economía industrial


This research investigates the relationship between innovative culture and performance among knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). Performance indicators include customer-related outcomes and market and financial results relative to competition. To provide insight into how innovativeness contributes to sustaining a KIBS� competitiveness, the mediating role of the predisposition to involve customers and front-line employees in new service development is also considered. In accordance with the objectives of the research, and from an extensive review of the literature, the conceptual model proposed is tested on a sample of 154 Spanish KIBS using structural equation modelling. Results show that KIBS� appraisal of customers� and front-line employees� participation in new service co-creation is strongly determined by the firm�s innovative culture.

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