Internet, comunicación y sociedad red:algoritmos para un periodismo multiconectado

  1. González Benito, Guillermo
Supervised by:
  1. Carlos Elías Director

Defence university: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 September 2016

  1. Xosé Soengas Pérez Chair
  2. Daniel Catalán Matamoros Secretary
  3. María Ángeles Díaz Fondón Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research is articulated on three axes: how technological development —meaning Internet and mobile devices— is continously changing communication models —by describing transition from mass communication to mass self-communication—; the effect of these new models on the network society —by analyzing revolution 2.0 phenomenon— and, finally, the effects of the two previous factors on journalistic sector, the profession itself and its professionals —by digging into the crisis affecting all of them—. In order to demonstrate the need of modernization and assumption of computational thinking by journalists, this research includes an online application prototype developed on purpose to simplify analysis tasks. This prototype has been used to study the role that different actors —journalists, media, politicians and newspaper editors— give to social networks by analyzing a total amount of 9,400 messages issued by 11 different Twitter profiles. From this analysis, direct relationships can be inferred between type of activity on Twitter, degree of interaction with other users and impact of messages posted. Similarly, this work justifies the need of the acquisition of certain technological awareness by communication profesionals in order to increase their impact on their audience, preventing or controlling critical or conflictive situations and acquiring skills that could help them to handle the vast amount of information hosted on the Internet