Aportaciones congreso (24) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Annealing effect on martensitic transformation and magneto-structural properties of Ni-Mn-In melt spun ribbons

    Materials Science Forum

  2. Ant colony method to control variance reduction techniques in the Monte Carlo simulation of clinical electron linear accelerators of use in cancer therapy

    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  3. Directional ordering in amorphous Fe43Ni43Zr 7Cu1B6 ferromagnetic alloys

    Acta Physica Polonica A

  4. Emission properties of single InAs/GaAs quantum dot pairs and molecules grown in GaAs nanoholes

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  5. Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys: Structural and thermal properties

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

  6. Influence of boundary geometry in domain wall propagation in magnetic films with asymmetric holes: Micromagnetic calculations

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  7. Influence of pinholes on MgO-tunnel junction barrier parameters obtained from current-voltage characteristics

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

  8. Isothermal close space sublimation of CdTe/ZnTe heterostructures in vacuum conditions

    Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics

  9. Magneto-caloric effect in FeZrB amorphous alloys near room temperature

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds

  10. Magnetocaloric effect in magnetic nanoparticle systems: How to choose the best magnetic material?

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

  11. Magnetocaloric effect in nanostructured Pr2Fe17 and Nd2Fe17 synthesized by high-energy ball-milling

    Acta Physica Polonica A

  12. Magnetocaloric properties of rapidly solidified Ni51.1Mn 31.2In17.7 Heusler alloy ribbons

    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

  13. Microscopic origin of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous Nd-Co homogeneous and compositionally modulated, thin films studied by XMCD

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  14. Nanocrystalline Pr2Fe17 studied by neutron powder diffraction

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  15. Off-diagonal magnetoimpedance dependence of magnetostriction and anisotropy in Co-based and Fe-based amorphous ribbons

    Acta Physica Polonica A

  16. Operational experience with CMS Tier-2 sites

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  17. Pinning field distribution and microstructural study of thermal annealed Fe-Nb-Cu-Si-B wires

    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

  18. SM Higgs searches at CDF

    25th Lake Louise Winter Institute: Celebrating 25 years, LLWI 2010

  19. Study of domain wall propagation in nanostructured CoPt multilayers by using antisymmetric magnetoresistance

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  20. The CMS experiment workflows on StoRM based storage at Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series