Biología de Organismos y Sistemas

Calvo Galván
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Leonor Calvo Galván (50)
Aprendizaje-Servicio en el entorno rural de León
Innovación docente en la Universidad de León (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 165-172
Fire regime attributes shape pre-fire vegetation characteristics controlling extreme fire behavior under different bioregions in Spain
FIRE ECOLOGY, Vol. 20, Núm. 1
Fire severity as a determinant of the socioeconomic impact of wildfires
Fire Hazards: Socio-economic and Regional Issues (Springer International Publishing), pp. 153-166
Integrating Physical-Based Models and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry to Retrieve Fire Severity by Ecosystem Strata from Very High Resolution UAV Imagery
Fire, Vol. 7, Núm. 9
Plant fire-adaptive traits mediate long-term fire recurrence impact on the potential supply capacity of ecosystem services and their resilience
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 365
Consejos de Gestión Forestal en el marco de los incendios forestales
Universidad de León
First evaluation of fire severity retrieval from PRISMA hyperspectral data
Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 295
Radar and multispectral remote sensing data accurately estimate vegetation vertical structure diversity as a fire resilience indicator
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 9, Núm. 1, pp. 117-132
Relevance of UAV and sentinel-2 data fusion for estimating topsoil organic carbon after forest fire
Geoderma, Vol. 430
Remote Sensing Advances in Fire Science: From Fire Predictors to Post-Fire Monitoring
Remote Sensing
Renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica: bases y retos científicos para una sostenibilidad socio-ecológica
Ecosistemas: Revista científica y técnica de ecología y medio ambiente, Vol. 32, Núm. 1
Wildland-urban interface typologies prone to high severity fires in Spain
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 894
ALOS-2 L-band SAR backscatter data improves the estimation and temporal transferability of wildfire effects on soil properties under different post-fire vegetation responses
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 842
Comparison of Physical-Based Models to Measure Forest Resilience to Fire as a Function of Burn Severity
Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, Núm. 20
Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 8, Núm. 1, pp. 57-71
Monitoring post-fire neighborhood competition effects on pine saplings under different environmental conditions by means of UAV multispectral data and structure-from-motion photogrammetry
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 305
Pre-fire aboveground biomass, estimated from LiDAR, spectral and field inventory data, as a major driver of burn severity in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) ecosystems
Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 9
Short-Term Recovery of the Aboveground Carbon Stock in Iberian Shrublands at the Extremes of an Environmental Gradient and as a Function of Burn Severity
Forests, Vol. 13, Núm. 2
Hybrid inversion of radiative transfer models based on high spatial resolution satellite reflectance data improves fractional vegetation cover retrieval in heterogeneous ecological systems after fire
Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 255
Mapping soil burn severity at very high spatial resolution from unmanned aerial vehicles
Forests, Vol. 12, Núm. 2, pp. 1-15