Catedrático de Universidad

Rodríguez Álvarez
Publicacións nas que colabora con Indira Rodríguez Álvarez (6)
Horizontal/vertical motion and wedge geometry of the Sinú Fold Belt, South-Caribbean accretionary prism, NW Colombia: Implications for a morphostructural zoning
Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 143
Relationships between normal faulting, mud diapirism and thrusting in the trailing part of the Sinú Fold Belt (South Caribbean Deformed Belt), offshore Northwestern Colombia
Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas (Elsevier), pp. 121-128
Thrust sequence in the Sinú Fold Belt (South Caribbean Deformed Belt), offshore northwestern Colombia
Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas (Elsevier), pp. 111-119
Thrusting, Extension, Toe-Thrusting and Shale Tectonics at the Sinú Accretionary Wedge (NW Colombia)
4th HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America
Structural style and evolution of the offshore portion of the Sinu Fold Belt (South Caribbean Deformed Belt) and adjacent part of the Colombian Basin
Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 125
Mechanical stratigraphy influence on fault-related folds development: Insights from the Cantabrian Zone (NW Iberian Peninsula)
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 118, pp. 87-103