Publicacions (55) Publicacions de MARIA TERESA CLEMENTINA LOPEZ GARCIA
Caracterización intercultural del médico empático: Experiencias de pacientes crónicos del sistema público de salud chileno
Revista medica de Chile, Vol. 152, Núm. 1, pp. 19-27
Cross-sectional Stochastic Frontier Parameter Estimator Using Kulback-Leibler Divergence
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 233-242
Cultural dimensions of the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on university teachers in schools in Colombia and Mexico
Revista Republicana, Vol. 2023, Núm. 35, pp. 49-65
Psychosocial factors and academic training. Resident and teachers perception
Medicina Interna de Mexico, Vol. 38, Núm. 1, pp. 51-66
Social representations of unemployment of inhabitants from different cultural contexts and different population groups
Revista Republicana, Vol. 2022, Núm. 32, pp. 93-111
Cultural conceptions on hemophilia in parents who are members of a civil association in mexico
Revista Cubana de Salud Publica, Vol. 47, Núm. 1
Cultural dimensions of the diabetic foot concept in people with diabetes mellitus and in Mexican medical students
Salud Uninorte, Vol. 37, Núm. 2, pp. 390-406
Social representations of bioethics and ethics in medical students
Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior, Vol. 35, Núm. 4
A Case Study-Based Analysis of the Influence of the Fuzzy Data Shape in Quantifying Their Fréchet’s Variance
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Springer International Publishing), pp. 709-719
Hermeneutical understanding of the act 1562 and the concept of occupational health
Revista Republicana, Vol. 2018, Núm. 24, pp. 23-40
Measuring the dissimilarity between the distributions of two random fuzzy numbers
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Psychosocial conditions, violence and mental health in teachers of medicine and nursing
Salud Uninorte, Vol. 33, Núm. 3, pp. 344-354
Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y obesidad en trabajadores de manufacturas en Jalisco, México
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, Vol. 66, Núm. 1, pp. 43-51
Fuzzy rating scale-based questionnaires and their statistical analysis
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 23, Núm. 1, pp. 111-126
A parameterized L 2 metric between fuzzy numbers and its parameter interpretation
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 245, pp. 101-115
Rejoinder on "a distance-based statistical analysis of fuzzy number-valued data"
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Arithmetic and distance-based approach to the statistical analysis of imprecisely valued data
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 285, pp. 1-18
Bertoluzza et al.'s metric as a basis for analyzing fuzzy data
Metron, Vol. 71, Núm. 3, pp. 307-322
Fuzzy rating vs. fuzzy conversion scales: An empirical comparison through the MSE
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Random fuzzy sets: A mathematical tool to develop statistical fuzzy data analysis
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 1-28