Publications (6) ALAIN ISLAS MONTERO publications


  1. Biomass dust explosions: CFD simulations and venting experiments in a 1 m3 silo

    Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 176, pp. 1048-1062


  1. CFD Simulations of Coal Dust Dispersion in a 20L Spherical Vessel: An Assessment to Dust Explosion Tests

    38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2021: Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the Environment, PCC 2021

  2. CFD Simulations to characterize Coal Dust Explosions Severity Parameters in the standard 20-LVessel

    38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2021: Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the Environment, PCC 2021

  3. Impact of particle loading and phase coupling on gas-solid flow dynamics: A case study of a two-phase, gas-solid flow in an annular pipe

    Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, Núm. 7