Profesor Titular de Universidad
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ROBERTO MARTINEZ PEREZ (12)
Analytical Model of the Refrigeration System for Cooling in a Hygroscopic Cycle Power Plant
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Vol. 21, pp. 399-404
Analytical model of the refrigeration system for cooling in a hygroscopic cycle power plant
21th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ´23)
Analytical study for the comparison between hygroscopic and Rankine cycle. An exergy approach
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 292
Analytical study of the absorber performance of a Hygroscopic cycle for low concentrations of LiBr solutions
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Vol. 21, pp. 405-408
Analytical study of the waste heat in a Hygroscopic Cycle with high lithium bromide concentration for energy use
36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2023
Comparative study of energy performance and water savings between hygroscopic and rankine cycle in a nuclear power plant. Case study of the HTR-10 reactor
Results in Engineering, Vol. 20
Experimental study on the influence of electrical conductivity of hygroscopic compounds on the performance of a hygroscopic cycle
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 233
Water saving in electric power generation facilities using the hygroscopic cycle in the subtropical climate
36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2023
FORMATIC: Promotion of formative evaluationin technical studies by using icts
Innovación Docente e Investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura: Experiencias de cambio en la Metodología Docente (Dykinson), pp. 145-158
Influence of LiBr concentration in the generation of superheated vapor for a Hygroscopic Cycle
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 250-255
Potenciación de la evaluación formativa en enseñanzas técnicas mediante el empleo de las TIC
IX Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Innovación Educativa en el ámbito de las TIC y las TAC: InnoEducaTIC 2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 17 y 18 de noviembre de 2022
Power Plant Cycles: Evolution towards More Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Technologies
Energies, Vol. 15, Núm. 23