Publications by the researcher in collaboration with FERNANDO BASTIDA IBAÑEZ (26)
Notes on progressive deformation and deformation paths
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 158
In memoriam John G. Ramsay (1931-2021): Renovador e impulsor de la Geología estructural
Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, Vol. 34, Núm. 1, pp. 73-78
On the development of kink-bands: A case study in the Westasturian-Leonese Zone (Variscan belt, NW Spain)
BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin, Vol. 191
Some considerations on the kinematics of crenulation cleavage
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 120, pp. 48-54
A homogeneous 2D deformation of geological interest: Rotation shear
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 112, pp. 131-137
Some kinematical patterns leading to the formation of similar folds
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 112, pp. 69-80
A new mechanism for producing cleavage in preexisting folds: The translation mechanism. An example in the Burela section (Variscan belt, NW Spain)
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 94, pp. 213-226
StrainModeler: A Mathematica™-based program for 3D analysis of finite and progressive strain
Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 78, pp. 123-132
Recumbent folds: Key structural elements in orogenic belts
Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 135, pp. 162-183
Saw-tooth structures and curved veins related to folds in the south-central Pyrenees (Spain)
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 34, pp. 43-53
Folding in orogens: A case study in the northern Iberian Variscan belt
Geological Journal, Vol. 45, Núm. 5-6, pp. 597-622
Kinematic analysis of asymmetric folds in competent layers using mathematical modelling
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 32, Núm. 8, pp. 1170-1184
The hinge lines of non-cylindrical folds
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 32, Núm. 2, pp. 166-171
An approach to folding kinematics from the analysis of folded oblique surfaces
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 31, Núm. 8, pp. 842-852
Volumetric strains in neutral surface folding
Terra Nova, Vol. 21, Núm. 1, pp. 14-20
Total bulk strain in flattened parallel folds
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 30, Núm. 7, pp. 827-838
Some considerations on the kinematics of chevron folds
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 29, Núm. 7, pp. 1185-1200
FOLD PROFILER: A MATLAB® - Based program for fold shape classification
Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 32, Núm. 1, pp. 102-108
The problem of area change in tangential longitudinal strain folding
Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 28, Núm. 10, pp. 1835-1848
Fold geometry: A basis for their kinematical analysis
Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 70, Núm. 1-2, pp. 129-164