Espacios de alto valor natural y paisajístico como destinos turísticos inteligentestour virtual por el litoral septentrional de Fuerteventura
- Salvador Beato Bergua 1
- Cristina Fernández-Bustamante 1
- José Luis Marino Alfonso 1
- Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0423-5037, 3020-6723
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 227
Pages: 77-98
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios Turísticos
The island of Fuerteventura is an area of recognised heritage and landscape value. However, this area is subject to the ur-ban and tourist pressures characteristic of sun and beach destinations, putting its sustainability at risk. Through fieldwork, bibliographic and cartographic compilation, and the implementation of a virtual tour with augmented and virtual reality techniques, a tourist itinerary is developed along the north coast of Fuerteventura. In this way, the high natural and landscape value of these enclaves is highlighted, materials are generated to argue policies for smart tourist destinations, and VR is shown not only as a tool for scientific, pedagogical or tourist dissemination, but also to avoid overcrowding and, thus, to reduce the impacts produced by tourist saturation of the most ecolo-gically fragile areas.