Los grabados megalíticos de Casa dos Mouros (Regoelle, A Coruña). Una revisión mediante tecnologías de imagen digital
- Miguel Carrero Pazos 1
- Alia Vázquez Martínez 1
- Benito Vilas Estévez 2
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- 2 Arbore Arquoloxía
ISSN: 2659-9295, 2174-8063
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: La arqueología en la era digital. Aplicaciones y posibilidades de la documentación y análisis tridimensional
Issue: 34
Pages: 49-66
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada
The use of three-dimensional modelling techniques is now a standard in the archaeo-logical documentation of engraved surfaces, such as petroglyphs, historical emblems or epigraphs. The application of low-cost 3D technologies and the generation of analytical images makes it possible to propose new readings, while the use of free software generates transparent and reproducible research. The application of these type of tools to figures and motifs with reading problems brings new critical mass to interpretative discussions. In this paper we carry out a photogrammetric survey and digital analysis of the engraved orthostat C2 from the dolmen of Casa dos Mouros de Regoelle (Baíñas), well known for having evidence of painting and one of the panels of the motif ‘The Thing’, whose debate on its interpretation, although protracted in time, is far from being resolved.
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