Use of intravenous calcium in emergencies to treat patients with hyperkalemia and digoxin poisoning and its impact on short-term outcome

  1. Llorens, P.
  2. Mataix, M.
  3. González Tejera, M.
  4. Serrano, L.
  5. Herrero-Puente, P.
  6. López-Grima, M.L.
  7. Espinosa, B.
  8. Lucas-Imbernón, F.J.
  9. López-Díez, M.P.
  10. Millán, J.
  11. Gallardo Rodríguez, P.
  12. Chico-Sánchez, P.
  13. Mas, P.
  14. Lafuente, P.
  15. Calzón Blanco, C.
  16. Miró, Ò.
Medicina Clinica

ISSN: 1578-8989 0025-7753

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.MEDCLI.2024.10.007 GOOGLE SCHOLAR