El cadáver momificado de Doña Teresa Gil. Aportación Antropológica
- L. Caro 1
- Belén López Martínez 2
- H. Rodríguez 1
- E. Sánchez 1
- M. J. Blanco 3
- M.C. Botella 4
Universidad de León
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Granada
- José Enrique Egocheaga (ed. lit.)
- M. J. Sierra (comp.)
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Antropología Física, SEAF
ISBN: 84-609-1519-0
Year of publication: 2004
Pages: 87-96
Congress: Congreso Español de Antropología Biológica (13. 2003. Oviedo)
Type: Conference paper
The portuguese infant Mrs Teresa Gil died on October 4, 1307. Her mummified and preserved well remains are in Sancti Spíritus's monastery of Toro (Zamora, Spain) and were find themselves in April, 2002 together with a rich apparel of suits. The process of mummification has been a native, by the corpse desiccation for dehydration. The mummy was presenting great quantity of muscidos puparios and another cadaveric fauna. The stature in life was among 155 and 160 centimeters. The study of the pubic region does not confirm the presence of a dorsal pubic pits and therefore of children, though if it determines an age of death between 45 and 50 years. The reason of death was an acute, not chronic process, since it did not leave evidences in the mummified remains, not in the osseous tissue studied by X Ray and complemented by Axial Computerized Tomography.