Análisis multivariante craneal de poblaciones medievales y modernas de Castilla y León
- Belén López Martínez 1
- Luis Caro Dobón 1
Universidad de León
- José Enrique Egocheaga (ed. lit.)
- M. J. Sierra (comp.)
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Antropología Física, SEAF
ISBN: 84-609-1519-0
Year of publication: 2004
Pages: 159-171
Congress: Congreso Español de Antropología Biológica (13. 2003. Oviedo)
Type: Conference paper
We try to approach to the physique anthropologic knowledge of the medieval and modern populations from Castilla y León by the metric study of the osseous cranial remains from nine necropolis and its later comparison with other Spanish populations from the same epoch, in order to define the morphologic similarities and differences with them. The number of studied craniums of adult males and women was 272, 193 of them are modern and 79 belong to the medieval epoch. Once the cranometrical characteristics of Castilla y León populations were obtained, we compared them to other Spanish populations by multivariant techniques analysis. First of all a principals components analysis (ACP) is realized and later a study of numerical taxonomy (cluster analysis or of grouping).