Processing speed mediates the relationship between DDR1 and psychosocial functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder presenting psychotic symptoms
- Aranda, S.
- Jiménez, E.
- Canales-Rodríguez, E.J.
- Verdolini, N.
- Alonso, S.
- Sepúlveda, E.
- Julià, A.
- Marsal, S.
- Bobes, J.
- Sáiz, P.A.
- García-Portilla, P.
- Menchón, J.M.
- Crespo, J.M.
- González-Pinto, A.
- Pérez, V.
- Arango, C.
- Sierra, P.
- Sanjuán, J.
- Pomarol-Clotet, E.
- Vieta, E.
- Vilella, E.
Molecular Psychiatry
ISSN: 1476-5578, 1359-4184
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Mota: Artikulua