Geo-inspired modelAgents vectors naturals inspired by the environmental management (AVNG) of water tributaries
- Millán Rojas, Edwin Eduardo
- Pérez Castillo, José Nelson
- Verástegui González, Fredy Antonio
ISSN: 2248-7638, 0123-921X
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 21
Issue: 54
Pages: 68-78
Type: Article
More publications in: Tecnura: Tecnología y Cultura Afirmando el Conocimiento
Context: Management to care for the environment and the Earth (geo) can be source of inspiration for developing models that allow addressing complexity issues; the objective of this research was to develop an additional aspect of the inspired models. The geoinspired model has two features, the first covering aspects related to environmental management and the behavior of natural resources, and the second has a component of spatial location associated with existing objects on the Earth's surface.Method: The approach developed in the research is descriptive and its main objective is the representation or characterization of a case study within a particular context.Results: The result was the design of a model to emulate the natural behavior of the water tributaries of the Amazon foothills, in order to extend the application of the inspired models and allow the use of elements such as geo-referencing and environmental management. The proposed geoinspired model is called “natural vectors agents inspired in environmental management”.Conclusions: The agents vectors naturals inspired by the environmental are polyform elements that can assume the behavior of environmental entities, which makes it possible to achieve progress in other fields of environmental management (use of soil, climate, flora, fauna), and link environmental issues with the structure of the proposed model.
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