Knowledge Graphs
- Hogan, Aidan 1
- Blomqvist, Eva 11
- Cochez, Michael 45
- D’amato, Claudia 3
- Melo, Gerard De 9
- Gutierrez, Claudio 1
- Kirrane, Sabrina 2
- Gayo, José Emilio Labra 6
- Navigli, Roberto 10
- Neumaier, Sebastian 2
- Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga 12
- Polleres, Axel 2
- Rashid, Sabbir M. 7
- Rula, Anisa
- Schmelzeisen, Lukas 14
- Sequeda, Juan 13
- Staab, Steffen
- Zimmermann, Antoine 8
Universidad de Chile
Vienna University of Economics and Business
University of Bari Aldo Moro
VU University Amsterdam
- 5 Discovery Lab, Elsevier, The Netherlands
Universidad de Oviedo
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- 8 École des mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Rutgers University
Università de Roma La Sapienza
Linköping University
University of Paderborn
- 13, USA
University of Stuttgart
University of Southampton
University of Bonn
University of Milano-Bicocca
ISSN: 0360-0300, 1557-7341
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 54
Issue: 4
Pages: 1-37
Type: Article
More publications in: ACM Computing Surveys
In this article, we provide a comprehensive introduction to knowledge graphs, which have recently garnered significant attention from both industry and academia in scenarios that require exploiting diverse, dynamic, large-scale collections of data. After some opening remarks, we motivate and contrast various graph-based data models, as well as languages used to query and validate knowledge graphs. We explain how knowledge can be represented and extracted using a combination of deductive and inductive techniques. We conclude with high-level future research directions for knowledge graphs.
Funding information
Hogan was supported by Fondecyt Grant No. 1181896. Hogan and Gutierrez were funded by ANID– Millennium Science Initiative Program– Code ICN17_002. Cochez did part of the work while employed at Fraunhofer FIT, Germany and was later partially funded byElsevier’s Discovery Lab.Kirrane,NgongaNgomo,PolleresandStaabreceivedfundingthroughthe project “KnowGraphs” from the European Union’s Horizon programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860801. Kirrane and Polleres were supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant 731601. Labra was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Society challenges: TIN2017-88877-R). Navigli was supported by the MOUSSE ERC Grant No. 726487 under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Rashid was supported by IBM Research AI through the AI Horizons Network. Schmelzeisen was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) grant STA 572/18-1.Funders
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
- TIN2017-88877-R
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