(De)construyendo la imagen de la ciencia en la sociedad contemporáneacultura científica y comunicación

  1. Emilia H. Lopera Pareja
  2. María Cornejo Cañamares
  3. Ana Muñoz Van den Eynde
Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 0210-0223

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Ciencia en sociedad

Issue: 249-250

Pages: 91-104

Type: Article

More publications in: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales


The current way of life is a result of the scientific and technological development achieved hitherto. Although this development has supposed unquestionable advances, it has also made the world a more complex place when it comes to understanding how it works and how we can function properly in it. This scenario supposes a constant challenge, both for citizens and policymakers. This article is aimed at addressing this challenge from a synergic perspective between research on scientific culture and the communication of science and the practice of scientific communication. What scientific culture we need, how it can be measured, what communication formats to use and what role play the underlying values in this social processes and in the image of science of contemporary society are some of the questions addressed by this article.

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