Personalización del proceso de adquisición de la competencia en comunicación lingüística mediante el empleo de los serious games. Diferencias en función del género
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1135-9250
Ano de publicación: 2022
Título do exemplar: Educación flexible en la era del conocimiento abierto
Número: 79
Páxinas: 149-165
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa
The current educational system tends towards active learning by the student focused on the development of generic and specific competences, seeking personalization and adjustment to individual differences. In this context, serious games become an optimal alternative as a personalized teaching strategy. The present research aims to determine if a planned, systematized, and personalized design based on serious games can contribute to the development of competence in linguistic communication in Primary Education. The work considers the gender variable to conclude if this variable demands a specific personalization strategy from the programs. An innovative experience is described with a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest carried out for 3 months in a sample composed of 78 students from 5 ordinary classrooms of 4 primary education centers. The results show an increase in the sub-subjects of competence in linguistic communication evaluated through the programs, as well as an improvement in academic qualifications. It is also found that there are no notable differences based on gender in terms of competence in linguistic communication or in terms of the benefit obtained after using the selected serious games.
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