Aspectos que favorecen y dificultan la atención a la diversidad en Educación Secundaria
Universidad de Oviedo
- Calvo Salvador, Adelina (coord.)
- Rodríguez Hoyos, Carlos (coord.)
- Haya Salmón, Ignacio (coord.)
Publisher: Santander, AUFOP-Universidad de Cantabria, 2014
ISBN: 978-84-697-1382-2
Year of publication: 2014
Pages: 510-519
Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado (13. 2014. Santander)
Type: Conference paper
High schools face constantly the challenge to attend and promote educational answers adjusted to their student diversity. The study that we submit face a double target: to delimite what aspects regarding the context, the organization, the leadership and the structure of High Schools, promote or hinder the attention to the diversity at Secondary Education stage. Define lines of action that promote the attention to the diversity. The participant sample is formed by 51 counselors of the Principado de Asturias who are heads of departments. The results achieved at the descriptive and exploratory analysis highlight that the leadership of the management teams, to have space to coordination, enough resources and count with consolidated actions at the schools, promote the attention to diversity. People that participate on this project think poor training of teachers on the usage of poor innovative methodologies and temporary work are aspects that make difficult the attention to the diversity, consider that in order to create change on teaching practices is necessary that teachers participate on an initial and continous quality training.