Active site specificity profiling of the matrix metalloproteinase family: Proteomic identification of 4300 cleavage sites by nine MMPs explored with structural and synthetic peptide cleavage analyses

  1. Eckhard, U.
  2. Huesgen, P.F.
  3. Schilling, O.
  4. Bellac, C.L.
  5. Butler, G.S.
  6. Cox, J.H.
  7. Dufour, A.
  8. Goebeler, V.
  9. Kappelhoff, R.
  10. auf dem Keller, U.
  11. Klein, T.
  12. Lange, P.F.
  13. Marino, G.
  14. Morrison, C.J.
  15. Prudova, A.
  16. Rodriguez, D.
  17. Starr, A.E.
  18. Wang, Y.
  19. Overall, C.M.
Matrix Biology

ISSN: 1569-1802 0945-053X

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Alea: 49

Orrialdeak: 37-60

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.MATBIO.2015.09.003 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor