Targeted investigation of the neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture

  1. Burbano, H.A.
  2. Hodges, E.
  3. Green, R.E.
  4. Briggs, A.W.
  5. Krause, J.
  6. Meyer, M.
  7. Good, J.M.
  8. Maricic, T.
  9. Johnson, P.L.F.
  10. Xuan, Z.
  11. Rooks, M.
  12. Bhattacharjee, A.
  13. Brizuela, L.
  14. Albert, F.W.
  15. De La Rasilla, M.
  16. Fortea, J.
  17. Rosas, A.
  18. Lachmann, M.
  19. Hannon, G.J.
  20. Pääbo, S.

ISSN: 0036-8075 1095-9203

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 328

Issue: 5979

Pages: 723-725

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.1188046 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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