Percepción docente del desarrollo emocional y creativo de los escolares derivado del diseño colaborativo de Digital Storytelling
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1139-613X, 2174-5374
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Pages: 345-374
Type: Article
More publications in: Educación XX1: Revista de la Facultad de Educación
Collaborative digital storytelling design can become an effective strategy to promote multiple abilities and competences in schoolchildren, providing them the opportunity to create their own stories, using digital tools. More specifically, this research verifies: a) the change perceived by instructors regarding emotional and creative development reached by preschool and primary students (N=282), after taking part in a collaborative digital storytelling project, supported by the Education Department; b) the level of emotional and creative expression showed in the final stories. The descriptive analysis shows the qualitative teachers’ assessment related to the change perceived in emotional and creative abilities level developed by the students, making use of 13 qualitative indicators. Afterwards, the level of emotional and creative expression of the stories created (N=14) is analysed by means of an expert evaluation. The results point out that –according instructors’ opinion– this digital collaborative narrative has fostered emotional abilities in preschool children. However, girls stand out because they empathise and carry about others, and achieve what they resolve to do. Likewise, taking into account their emotional abilities, girls adapt better to new situations and identify and resolve problems creatively. Similarly, primary girls stand out because of their emotional and creative development, and higher stages students show a greater empathy, caring about other people, critical thinking and aesthetic sensibility. After analyzing the final stories, the experts recognise that all of them show originality and adequacy to its purpose. Nevertheless, they are mainly logocentric whilst their emotional impact is reduced. They point out the characters’ persuasive power and their ability to generate empathy, especially in Primary Education. It can be stated that the topics, the audiovisual techniques adopted and the collaborative performance provided a suitable environment to practise emotional and creative abilities.
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