Inestabilidad de laderas en el valle del Meredal (Asturias, NO de España)

  1. Rodríguez García, A. 1
  2. Farias, P. 1
  3. Jiménez, M. 1
  4. Menéndez Duarte, R. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular

ISSN: 0213-4497

Year of publication: 1996

Issue Title: IV Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología

Issue: 21

Pages: 349-360

Type: Article

More publications in: Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular


In the Meredal valley 64 landslides, including complex movements, rock slumps, flows and rock avalanches have been identified. The development of these landslides is conditioned by the mechanical behaviour of the different bedrock lithologies. Five chronological classes of movements have been established by applying several relative chronology criteria, as superposition and preservation degree of the landslides. From the regional point of view, fluvial drainage incision linked to quaternary climate changes and to the uplift of the cantabrian margin seems to be determinant in the origin of this dynamics.